Effective Communication Strategies for Supporting Depressed Teenagers in California
Understanding Teen Depression: Facts and Statistics
Most teens feel irritable and unhappy at times. Teen life is full of fluctuating hormones, academic stress, and social pressures, which can lead to mood swings. It can be challenging to distinguish between typical teen moodiness and more serious mental health issues such as teen depression. Prolonged periods of sadness, hopelessness, and irritability, which interfere with school, social life, and everyday functioning, may point to symptoms of depression. Teen depression is a severe mental health issue affecting their thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and even physical health. Like other mental health issues, teen depression is complex and won't just clear up. Luckily, there are several teen depression treatment options available to help them manage symptoms to live a happier, more productive life.
More and more teens in the U.S. struggle with depression. According to Mental Health America (MHA) 's 2023 youth ranking, almost 15% of California teens experienced one major depressive episode (MDE), and 9.2% of California teens experienced a severe major depressive episode. Teen depression statistics in California are more alarming when you take into account that the same data found that 69.5% of teens with a major depressive episode did not receive any mental health service.
Depression is a mood disorder beyond occasional sadness, apathy, or moodiness. Symptoms persist every day for at least two weeks and can impact ordinary life activities, like hanging out with friends, eating, going to school, or even getting out of bed in the morning. Some of the most common risk factors for teen depression in California include:
- Family history of depression
- Stress
- History of abuse or neglect
- Social issues such as peer pressure and bullying
- Life changes, like divorce or moving
- Grief from the loss of a loved one or friend
- Physical or psychological issues, such as a chronic disease or other mental health disorders, like anxiety
Teen depression that goes untreated can have far-reaching effects, even into adulthood. Teens with depression are at risk for low self-esteem, academic problems, dropping out of school, social isolation, self-harming behaviors, conflict with friends or family, legal issues, substance abuse, and even suicide. Mild depression during adolescence is also more likely to develop major depressive disorder, eating disorders, and anxiety disorders in adulthood. Recognizing the signs of teen depression is key for early intervention, which can reduce the long-term impacts.
Contact BeWellLine by calling our help center at 866-349-0854 to learn more about using virtual mental health services.
Recognizing Signs of Teen Depression: What to Look For
It is often difficult to diagnose in teens because they attribute the symptoms to normal teen moodiness. Also, it is challenging for adolescents to understand and express their emotions very well. They may not be aware of depression symptoms or seek out help. Depression can manifest differently in each teenager. If a teen is exhibiting a change in their mood, behaviors, and reactivity that lasts longer than two weeks, it may be time to take a deeper look at their mental health. Some indicators of teen depression in California include:
- Sadness and hopelessness do not go away
- Lack of enthusiasm, energy, or motivation
- Changes in sleeping patterns, either sleeping too much or too little
- Anger, rage, and irritability
- A drop in school performance
- No longer engaging in activities once enjoyed
- Withdrawal from friends and family
- No longer taking care of their appearance or hygiene
- Poor self-esteem or guilt
- Indecision, lack of concentration, or forgetfulness
- Changes in appetite, either eating much more or much less than before
- Drug or alcohol use
- Self-harming behaviors
- Risk-taking or reckless behaviors
- Suicidal thoughts or actions
It is important to note that a teen who exhibits some of these behaviors may not be depressed. However, changes to their personality and behaviors still warrant you check in on them and keep an eye on them. Open communication and support can be the first step in helping teens with depression.

The Importance of Communication: Building Trust and Connection
Parenting teens can be very challenging, including just talking to them and getting them to open up. However, there are several ways you can support a depressed teenager, and that often begins with open and honest communication. The way you communicate has a big impact on how a teen responds. Also, the way you communicate will change as your child grows up and your relationship changes. Effective communication can strengthen your relationship, build trust, improve conflict resolution, strengthen connection, and help everyone feel happier. One way to improve communication with your teen is being an active listener by:
- Being fully present in the conversation without distraction
- Asking open-ended questions to encourage further responses
- Showing interest and using good eye contact
- Show empathy and honor their feelings
- Avoid giving them instructions or unsolicited advice
- Listen to understand rather than to respond
- Withhold judgment
- Reflect back and paraphrase what has been said
Strategies for Communicating with a Depressed Teenager
Talking to any teenager can be difficult, much less communicating with a depressed teenager. It can be challenging to know what someone with depression is dealing with and how to help them. Teens who are depressed often feel alone and unlovable. Simply talking to them and showing extra love and support can help them feel less lonely and open up about their struggles.
You can begin the conversation by telling them the changes you have seen in their mood and behaviors with concern and without judgment. Let them know they can talk to you about anything and that you are there for them, fully and unconditionally. Avoid asking too many questions, as most teenagers do not want to be crowded or patronized. Also, don't give up if they shut you down at first. Talking about depression can be very tough for anyone. They may want to talk about what is bothering them but may have difficulty expressing it. Respect your teen's comfort level while encouraging an open dialogue by emphasizing your concern and willingness to listen.
Encouraging Help-Seeking Behavior: Discussing Treatment Options
Supporting a depressed teenager in California can begin with encouraging healthy lifestyle changes, as poor habits can exacerbate depressive symptoms. Eating nutritious foods, limiting junk food, regular exercise, getting enough sleep, and limiting screen times can help them begin to manage their symptoms. Set time aside each day to talk and focus on them while encouraging them to see friends and do what they enjoy.
Support and healthy lifestyle changes can make a big difference in teen depression, but it may not always be enough. Severe depression requires professional help from a mental health specialist. Treatment options for teen depression in California include therapy, medication, and support groups. Mental health specialists can determine what kind of treatment your teen may need and provide additional support and resources.
Beginning the conversation about seeing a mental health specialist can be difficult as well. Explain to your teen how common mental health challenges are and that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. Talk to them about how mental health specialists will help them and support them so they are less worried about what to expect. Involve them in choosing a mental health specialist and being a part of their treatment plan as well. Use the same listening and communication skills mentioned earlier if they bring up concerns about getting professional help.
Self-Care for Supporters: Nurturing Your Own Well-Being
When supporting a depressed teenager in California, it can be challenging to take care of yourself, too. The worry and stress you experience can affect your mental and physical health. It would help to look after yourself so you can cope with the challenges ahead and recover from setbacks much more easily. Taking care of yourself also sets a good example for your teen to prioritize self-care. Here are some ways you can take better care of yourself physically and mentally when helping a teenager with depression:
- Eat and sleep well: A healthy body encourages a healthy mind. Make sure to eat well-balanced meals, avoid drugs and alcohol, and get at least seven hours of sleep.
- Make time to relax: You need to decompress and reset. Relaxation should be part of your self-care routine, including doing something you enjoy, reading a book, or taking a hot bath.
- Get regular exercise: Anything that gets you moving, whether it's a walk, yoga, or a dance class, can boost your mood. It is a great way to work out stress and frustration as well.
- Seek out support groups: Navigating a teen's mental health can feel lonely and isolating. Support groups allow you to express your concerns with others who understand what you are going through, and they can provide you with firsthand advice, support, and additional resources.
- Talk to a therapist: Parenting a child with mental health issues can lead to your own mental health issues. You may want to talk to a therapist or counselor about your own struggles, fears, and emotions you are experiencing. It's not only helpful to talk about it, but therapists and counselors can provide you with effective coping skills to manage teen depression as well.
Utilizing Free Emotional Support for California Residents
California residents have access to free emotional support chats and phone lines through BeWellLine, a peer support counseling service available 24/7 to anyone facing teen depression or other mental health issues. Both teens and parents/caregivers can use these services to navigate the challenges around depression. Compassionate peer support counselors will listen without judgment and can provide advice, coping skills, and resources if needed. They can also refer to higher levels of care, which makes it a great place to reach out to if you don't know where to start managing teen depression in California. BeWellLine's emotional support chat and phone line is 100% confidential.
Contact BeWellLine by calling our help center at 866-349-0854 to learn more about using virtual mental health services.
FAQs About Communicating with Someone with Teen Depression
How can I effectively communicate with a depressed teenager?
Communicating with a depressed teenager begins with coming from a place of empathy and compassion. Start by telling them how you have noticed changes to their mood or behavior and asking if they need any type of support. Let them know you are here for them, fully and unconditionally. Be sure to be an active listener by being fully present, asking open questions, withholding judgment, and avoiding giving them instructions or unsolicited advice. Respect their boundaries and avoid asking too many questions, as teenagers do not want to be crowded or patronized.
What are the signs that a teenager may be experiencing depression?
It can be difficult to tell the difference between normal teenage moodiness and teen depression. Changes to their mood and behavior that last longer than two weeks can be an indicator of depression. While every teen will experience depression differently, some signs of teen depression in California include:
- Anger and irritability.
- Sadness and hopelessness do not go away.
- Lack of enthusiasm, energy, or motivation.
- Withdrawal from friends and family.
- No longer taking care of their appearance or hygiene.
- Changes in eating and sleeping habits
- No longer engaging in activities once enjoyed.
- Self-harming behaviors, including suicidal thoughts or actions.
How can I help a depressed teenager without making them feel pressured?
One of the best ways to help your teen cope with depression is to make time for them. Check-in on them and ask how you can best support them. Teenagers may find it difficult to analyze and express their emotions, so if they shut down at first, don't give up on them. Make sure to keep communication lines open by expressing your concerns and availability to talk whenever they need.
Are there any specific resources or support groups available for depressed teenagers in California?
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) offers many resources and links to resources for teens coping with depression — including a Youth Mental Health Guide, a free cognitive behavioral treatment program for depressed youth. Another helpful resource is FOUNDRY, an app created by BC Children's Hospital that offers youth (ages 12-24) resources, services, peer support, and virtual counseling appointments.
Psychology Today offers a list of teen support groups in California as well.
What role does a professional help play in treating teenage depression?
Mental health specialists can help provide individualized treatment for teenage depression through medication, psychotherapy, and counseling. Depending on your teen's depression severity, mental health specialists will recommend the right course of treatment. Medication can help stabilize depression, while talk therapy can manage symptoms by giving a safe space to talk about depression, learn about it, and identify and change unhealthy behaviors or thoughts. Coping skills learned in treatment can help teens manage depressive symptoms in the long run.
How can I encourage a depressed teenager to seek help?
Talk to your teen about how common mental health challenges are and how seeking treatment is necessary, the same way you would need to seek out treatment for a broken bone or a bad cold. Involve them in choosing a mental health specialist and being a part of their treatment plan. Let them know what they can expect from treatment to minimize anxiety or fears around it.
Are there any self-care practices that can help me support a depressed teenager better?
It is important for caregivers supporting a depressed teenager to practice self-care. Worry and stress can take a toll on your mental and physical health as well. Taking care of yourself not only allows you to be there fully for your teen, but it also sets a good example for them to prioritize self-care as well. Some ways you can practice self-care include:
- Eating and sleeping well.
- Getting regular exercise.
- Set time to relax or for stress relief practices, such as meditation, yoga, and deep breathing exercises.
- Seek support groups for parents and caregivers.
- Talk to a therapist or counselor about your own emotions and struggles.
Is the support line available 24/7? Can I contact it for immediate assistance?
Yes! BeWellLine offers a free emotional support line 24/7 for California residents struggling with teen depression or other mental health issues. They provide trained peer support counselors who can listen, give advice, provide resources, and incorporate coping skills to manage symptoms. Parents and caregivers can use their services as well. BeWellLine can also refer to higher levels of care, so this is an excellent resource to use when you don't know where to start to manage teen depression in California. BeWellLine's free emotional support chat and phone line is accessible by visiting www.BeWellLine.com or by calling 866-349-0854. You will be connected to a caring, compassionate peer support counselor in under a minute.